Tuesday, January 12, 2010

poor unfortunate news.

well... i guess i should report that michael dumped whitney, so we're no longer reporting on his resolutions. as far as keeping up with my resolutions go, i'd say the break-up has been a setback. i did start going back to the gym, but i haven't been again since we broke up... mainly because i've been getting back in the swing of FFGO and Terrific Tuesday (my second job on monday and tuesday afternoons) and it's been too freaking cold to go back out at night! excuses, i know. and yes i'm about to eat a red velvet cake. so maybe my "lose 15 lbs" goal is on the back burner for now!

i am going to start seeing a counselor so start unpacking some of these issues i have. i'm really setting my focus on becoming a WHOLE person and not a dependent person. and yes i wanted this to help my relationship with michael, but it's just as important to keep growing now that we're broke up. whether we get back together or not, i need to find healing.

saving money- i signed up for "keep the change."

make friends- no progress.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

whitney's update

well, what can i say? so far i feel unsuccessful at following my resolutions.
  1. weight loss? no i have not worked out. michael and i ate out twice yesterday. however, i did not have icecream when the group went out last night.
  2. don't be crazy? MAJOR fail. i cry everyday.
  3. make friends? well, michael and i went on a triple date last night, but i felt like it accomplished nothing for me. i really felt like an outsider and didn't feel like i made any progress on developing real friendships.
  4. save money? hmmm well, i haven't bought anything, but i haven't put any money in the bank either. i guess i'm neutral on this one.
i am so freaking stressed about these resolutions. they are serious life-changing things that i want, but i feel helpless at attaining. to make matters worse, michael is planning to take parts of the CPA exam this month and next month, so our time together is extremely limited. this makes my craziness skyrocket. how does this affect my other resolutions? i'll probably eat and not work out because i'm depressed, i never go out with people w/o michael, and i like to spend money on clothes to make me feel better. wow.

i hope my next update is less depressing. encouragement accepted.

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 Resolutions

the creation of this blog was inspired by three amazing individuals sitting around the breakfast table on january 1, 2010 discussing their resolutions for the new year. this blog will be used to inspire and encourage those three to keep their resolutions in focus.

resolutions for 2010

1. lose 15 lbs in the next 6 months
2. stop being a crazy, needy girl
3. make friends
4. sign up for "keep the change" savings account/ save $50 a month

1. pass the CPA exam by june
2. run a 5k in 22 minutes
3. buy matching furniture for the house, approved by whitney
4. buy a new car in CASH

1. lost 15 lbs by the end of june
2. ask a man out once a month
3. spend 30 minutes in scripture study every morning (with the exception of saturday)
4. save $2400

all three:
spend new year's with each other annually until death.