Tuesday, November 2, 2010

welcome november.

only 2 months left in the year 2o1o. it has been a good year. but i would like to see what the next one is all about.

this weekend was fun. friday after school i went to harvest moon with john and his co-workers before going to the fair, then john's house. the fair was not too fun. but naturally, harper was the one who wanted to ride everything and davis was more than cautious, despite the fact that he's 5 and she's only 3. saturday morning john and i went to get doughnuts together. yummy but waaaay too fattening. saturday afternoon john came and picked me up to go to my parents' house for the party. everybody thought elton was super-cute. and he was. john insisted that i say elton was the cutest one there. saturday night john and i carved our pumpkins, finally. i didn't get to do an intricate pattern like usual, because we were in a hurry to get them out before trick-or-treating began! john made his look like his pumpkin got sick and threw up pumpkin guts. mine was a bat. when the trick-or-treaters came, two of them were my students and they were very surprised to see me. "it's the music lady!!!" john and i watched "The Crazies" before bed, but luckily it wasn't too scary.

sunday i got a flu shot at church (weird, i know) and my arm is still sore!!! ouch! since my dad was there, i had him pay for it! hooray! sunday afternoon i actually did a lot of cleaning before taking my nap. john and i had pizza and watched DH as usual. it was the last time we'll get to hang out until next sunday!! because...

i'm leaving thursday after school to go visit my sister in north carolina! i'm very excited, even though it means a weekend without john. john doesn't understand why i feel so sad about not seeing him for a full week. he doesn't know how lucky he is. i used to cry every time my bf would leave me, even if it was just for the night. i was so unhealthy! i told john that i could stand him missing me a little more. but he just keeps insisting that it will be okay and we'll text a lot. i'll believe it when i see it!

john has a new favorite activity... cracking my back. he makes me lay on the ground and he pops my back around. he finds it extremely satisfying when my back makes loud popping sounds. i went to pick up something from his house last night and i wasn't there 5 minutes before he was asking to pop my back again. maybe he's found a new calling as a chiropractor. i do carry a LOT of tension in my back, so the adjustment does help. i'd like a massage too though!