Thursday, February 23, 2012

i'm alive.

well, since i'm pretty sure megin is going to delete me as a friend if i don't update... here goes. 

i'm getting married! john asked me to marry him on christmas eve. the ring was not what i expected but is beautiful! of course, john being the most romantic man in the world (please note sarcasm), he didn't have a proposal speech or get down on one knee.... but i love him and i would have said yes no matter what he did! i totally knew the proposal was coming and i was so nervous. 

anyway, the wedding is june 9th at the church i grew up in. megin, cynthia, kyle, and my sister, claire, are my bridesmaids. john has more groomsmen than i have bridesmaids, but since i have no friends, that makes sense. the colors for the wedding are green and brown and everything is going to be very natural. the reception is at the carnegie library downtown- it's an old building that is beautiful and historical. we're having a short engagement (thankfully) and that works for me because i'm a laid-back bride. i had to rush order my dress (and it's gorgeous, of course). i can't wait to see it again and try it on.  the bridesmaid's dresses are chocolate chiffon and they'll carry green hydrangea bouquets. my bouquet will be white/ivory. last weekend we took my niece harper to pick out her flower girl dress. it's so cute. it's ivory with a green sash. my nephew doesn't want to participate, so he's just going to seat my mom and sit down with her. i can't wait to see him in a tux though!!! to be honest with you, i'm way more excited about the ceremony than the reception. i'm anti-social, so i'd rather just get married and run off just to be with john and not have to talk to anyone else. the reception's just a cocktail party, though, so i will NOT be dancing while everyone looks on. awkward!!! my mom is taking care of so much for me and i'm so thankful because i hate calling people, and honestly i really don't care. we met with our friend deborah, who is going to basically coordinate and decorate the reception, so she knows what i want and that's that. 

after the wedding we're going on a cruise to the bahamas for a few days, then staying at a resort near cancun for a week. since we're both teachers, we have all of june to honeymoon :). i'm sure we'll spend the rest of the summer moving me in to john's house.

speaking of which.... living together is seeming like the biggest challenge! neither one of us is very good at compromise, but we're getting better. i definitely feel like the house is JOHN'S and not OURS. i hope that when i move my things in and start decorating, i can make it feel like it's my house too. he's agreed to change the paint color of two rooms and i'm basically redoing both of those rooms. his house is decorated much more formally than mine, so hopefully he's ok with a more relaxed style. also, he has no green in his house and that's my favorite color!! my freaking couch (which i'm selling) is green! speaking of selling... i'm so worried about selling my house. i've got to completely replace the carpeting because of the cat smell and make lots of other repairs before anyone else would consider living there. plus the market is ridiculous. there are so many houses for sale. i don't think i will sell it for the amount that i still owe on the loan. we might end up renting, but i really don't want to be a landlord, so hopefully we won't have to do that, at least not for very long. anyway, back to john's house. john has a dog named elton who is crazy. he has serious separation anxiety. he has to go to doggy daycare while john's at work. you would think that since i will be home more, elton wouldn't have to stay at doggy daycare as much... but it seems like he'll have to stay MORE since all he does is bark when i'm home alone with him and i kind of want to throw him in a closet. we had a breakthrough on saturday morning though. i was home alone with him. he did some barking for awhile, then he came and got on the couch with me, curled up and went to sleep. he didn't start barking again until i got up to do the laundry. 

so this is getting long... i hope this blog update is enough to appease megin. i will do my best to keep my blog up to date!!