Saturday, February 6, 2010

baby steps.

sorry i have been so slack about keeping this thing updated. i used to be such a good blogger! anyway my motivation to go to the gym has been off and on. the times that i've gone have made me feel really good and i've even gone when i REALLY didn't feel like it... but then sometimes life gets in the way when i plan to go and i don't make it there. basically i haven't lost any weight. my dad says i should lose 25 lbs. i set my goal at 15, so i don't know what to think. i ate a double doozie at the mall last night and he got mad at me. i signed up to take a ballet class. that should be interesting.

it has been hard to save money lately but i did save my $50 for January, plus half of the money my grandmother gave me. The rest stayed in my checking account to pay for unexpected bills.

i went to my first appointment with my therapist on thursday. it went really, really well. she had a lot of good ideas about getting me to be more social and motivated. albany is a really hard town to be single in. it doesn't help that my church has nothing going on for people my age. there are a few couples at my church that are my age, but no single people. there's another church in town that does have a more active 20's group that i may try to get involved with. i've gone out with people a few times since the breakup so it's been fun to have something to do other than stay home all weekend. my therapist had a lot of good ideas. i just hope i have the motivation and will to act on them. i am disappointed that she couldn't schedule me for another appointment until next month though.

so i guess that last paragraph was really an update on both the "make friends" resolution and the "stop being crazy" resolution.

basically, i'm making baby steps in all of my resolutions and i'm getting my life together. i'm trying to focus more on myself than boys but i'm not always successful.

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