Thursday, December 16, 2010

wow. call me the worst blogger ever. last post was at the beginning of november and now we are halfway through with december! perhaps one of my resolutions for 2011 should be to blog more regularly. it feels like yesterday that i was coming up with my resolutions for 2010 and now the whole year has flown by. this has been a great year for me. a nice, but casual relationship has blossomed into something wonderful that i wasn't expecting. what i assumed would be a fling has become my first year-long relationship.

this has also been a great year at work. my classes are better than ever and i feel good about it. in may i will finish with the TAPP program and get a pay raise for having a clear renewable certificate. SO excited about that one. also next summer i will be in the wedding of my very best friend, megin. super super excited about that. especially since she decided to get married in nyc and i'll be spending a whole week up there having girl time with her and cynthia while we get ready for the big day.

i'm hoping and praying that a lot of john's health issues improve in the coming year. as always, i hope for good health for myself also. one of my resolutions will definitely be to lower my A1C. i do hope to get married and have a kid in the not-so-distant-future... and currently my A1C is too high to safely have a child. i better get a jump start on improving that so i have the next few years ahead of me to get better. i'm thinking about going on the pump this summer. insulin pump, in case some of you don't know what i'm talking about. i will also be having cataract surgery this summer. i am half-way excited about that since it will mean not wearing contacts anymore, but it will also mean i have to wear those old grandma reading glasses. i will officially look like a teacher, for sure! i'm gonna wear them on a chain around my neck and everything! ha.

i'm looking forward to the holiday season. well, i guess i shouldn't say i'm looking forward to it, since we are right here in the midst of it. but since today is the last day of school, i feel that i can now fully concentrate on the many celebrations that are to come. tonight there is a party at a friend's house, but i think john and i may have a movie date, instead. friday night it the big party at my parents' house. remember those years you used to come cynthia?? so fun. this is john's first experience with the coleman family christmas party. my sister will actually not be in attendance this year, and i'm none too happy about that. since she's living so far away, she can't come down this weekend AND next weekend for christmas. boo. saturday and sunday i will be singing with the adult choir at 3 candlelighting services. i have a great solo in one of my favorite christmas songs- "in the bleak midwinter." i'm excited (and nervous) about john finally hearing me sing on sunday night when he comes. i have not put up a christmas tree yet, so hopefully tomorrow or later this weekend i can get that up! i considered not doing it at all, but facebook friends convinced me to go for it. i love when my house is decorating, i just don't like the decorating and undecorating.

i'm sad that john will be leaving me for 8 days starting tuesday. he's going to visit his parents for the holidays, of course. i'm glad he is doing that, because i want him to have a close relationship with his parents. but i wish he didn't have to leave me for so long! he has 4 gifts for me and i'm very excited to see what they are! he didn't ask for hints or anything so these gifts are all his idea! i'm impressed. speaking of christmas gifts, i still haven't used the spa gift certificate that michael gave me for christmas last year. i have to call before the 22nd or it will expire. i'm so bad at making appointments.

on a completely different note, on monday morning i had to take john to the hospital to have a "procedure." we had to be there at 7 AM. i played the part of the wife the whole day. when john was coming out of the anesthesia, it was probably some of the funniest hours i've ever spent with him. he immediately started talking about how the last thing i said to him was "shut up" before he went into the surgery... because the last thing he said to me was "i know how much money is in my wallet," since i was holding on to his clothes and stuff! he couldn't drive the rest of the day so i had to take care of him and bring him supper and all. it was definitely my most wife-like day so far. it was the best.

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