Wednesday, March 16, 2011

the beginning.

well, my weight loss journey has begun. i joined weight watchers last night. my mom has been sooo successful with it. she's .2 lbs away from her weight loss goal! i'm not sure how much she's lost total, but it's A LOT! i don't have near as much to lose. i'd like to lose 17 lbs from where i am right now. last night i weighted in at 137 lbs and i'd like to be 120. that's a moderate weight for someone my height. the lowest should be 113 and the highest is 141. after joining and going to the meeting last night, i went to the grocery store. it took me forever! i had to buy so much food, because it's like i'm starting over! there's so much food at my house that i need to throw out. gotta make room for all the veggies and healthy whole grains. i'm even gonna branch out and try a few fruits. i got bananas and blueberries this week. we'll see how that goes. i'm actually getting pretty excited about all this, even though it will be really different from what i am used to. i get to eat way more food than i expected.

my first weight watchers meal i made was:
baked skinless chicken breast- 3 pts
one serving of whole wheat couscous- 2 pts
asparagus cuts- 0 pts

that's only 5 pts total and the average dinner is recommended at 11. right now i have 29 pts to spread out over my day, plus 49 extra pts to spread over the week. when you exercise you earn more pts too based on how much and what kind of exercise you're doing.

my first WW breakfast:
1 cup whole wheat cereal- 2
1 cup fat-free milk- 2 pts
1 banana- 0 pts.

in case you haven't noticed, fruits and most vegetables are 0 pts. they say MOST vegetables because starchy vegetables, like potatos, obviously do pts.

everything i bought last night that is stored in the fridge was left at john's house last night. i went to his house straight from the grocery store, so i had to bring everything in and put it away while i was there. when i left i got everything from the counter and the freezer, but forgot the fridge!! i was so mad when i got home! there are lots of things i want to try with all the new food i bought and now i have to wait until tomorrow.

enough about food....
i'm upset about how little time i will be spending with john in the next few weeks. this weekend i'm "babysitting" hannah. i have to spend the night at her house while her parents are out of town. i get paid $200, so that's obviously why I'm doing that! buuuut that cuts out 2 date nights. john is going with me to warner robins on saturday for me to accompany his high school students for state literary meet. then, i'm taking him to macon to eat at IVP!!! i'm excited to show him macon and mercer :) he says i'll get to see him a few nights next week, but we'll see. THEN the next saturday he's working the GACE then going to Valdosta and Sunday morning i leave for disney world! i'll be gone til thursday. finally, i will get to spend some time with him after i get back. i know i'm complaining for nothing, because lots of other people get to see their boyfriend even less- i'm thinking especially of megin and her fiance, jesse. i don't know how she's doing it! she's a lot stronger than me, when it comes to that. i'm half excited about disney and half dreading it. my dad begged me to go because i'm the best at handling harper. her dad is too easy on her and my mom is really tough on her. i'm the middle ground and her "best buddy." last time at disney was when we really bonded. i took her on all the rides, got her ready for bed and ready in the morning, let her wear my lotion and perfume, went to bed with her every night, and carried her around. one of my favorite moments was when we left the park really late one night (late for a 2-year-old) and i was carrying her to the ferry. the ferry was PACKED so we had to stand up. harper fell asleep in my arms with her head on my shoulder on the ride back to our "cabinet" aka cabin. my other favorite disney moment was watching tinker bell fly across the sky during the fireworks. disney is amazing!!! but davis and harper can be real brats sometimes!!! and my mom and brother fight like cats and dogs. i know i will be REALLY REALLY ready to get home to my peace and quiet (and cats) by thurs.

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