Wednesday, March 21, 2012

so i guess i need to post again before megin gets mad! 

well, i'm still in my happy wedding world. saturday we had our engagement pictures taken and they are AMAZING. they make me so happy. i have to look at the them every time I catch a glimpse of one on facebook. john even changed his profile picture to one of our photos. it's the first time i've been part of his profile picture and it makes me crazy happy. i can't wait to see the rest of the pictures when they're all finished. our house is going to be wall-papered in photos of us. (that's a joke.)

speaking of our house, we got a new grill at our first shower last friday!! we also got lots of other manly things. it was a "honey-do" shower for john, so he got yard tools and drills and stuff. the next shower if for me so that is exciting! we got our first call from place on the pointe this week to come pick up a gift. :)  so exciting. i love gifts. 

last night john and i were doing a chapter from the book we have to read for our marriage counseling. the questions were about our "living space." i have mixed feelings about moving into john's house. on one hand, i'm so excited! it's a new life and a fresh start and we'll have new things. i'll get to decorate and that will be exciting. on the other hand, i love living alone. i love that i'm the only one there and i don't have to please anyone. i can eat what i want, clean (or not clear) when i want, etc. 

i also started thinking about changing my name and i have similar feelings about that. on one hand it's exciting, but on the other, it's sad and seems super difficult. i like my name and my initials. scanling is not an easy name like coleman is. i'm going to have to spell it out for people all the time. my children at school can't even pronounce it correctly.  it would make some things really difficult if i didn't change my name to his though. and even though he doesn't admit it, i think he would be sad if i didn't. i have a new "S" keychain that i love though... so i'm excited about that part.


  1. i still haven't changed my name. i was always excited to do it, but then afterward, i started to get sad. im gonna miss my name. i tried to change it over christmas and didnt have the right things with me in georgia to change it. i could change it in ny, but like most things, it's an even bigger hassle to change it here, so i should do it in ga. im gonna miss that my initials are MW and you can read them backwards and upside down and they are the same.

  2. oh, but i dont think scanling is that hard to understand. maybe kids are dumb.
