Wednesday, August 22, 2012

busy days.

i promise i'm still alive and keeping up my happiness project... in one way or another. the fact is, i've added a couple new projects to my life, one of which is very time-consuming.  i'm playing the role of sister mary leo in theatre albany's production of "nunsense." i am SO excited about this show. it's my biggest casting so far in my life. i've never had so much to learn for a show- lines, singing, and choreography. we've been practicing for 2.5 weeks now and it's coming along! we open sept 14th, though, so the next few weeks are going to be exhausting!!! i have practice every night except wednesday and saturday.  john has band til 6:30 almost every night and my rehearsals start at 7:00, so we haven't seen much of each other during the week. i've tried to be a good wife a couple times and make dinner for him that I could leave on the stove and he could reheat when he got home. me, i've just been eating lot of graham crackers- my latest food obsession!! after labor day i start working with the kids at church after school again and that's going to be really tough. i find that job very draining. there will be two weeks of working 7:15 AM-5:45 PM, then onto play practice @ 7:00 PM until who knows how late.... only on monday and tuesdays though!

the other "project" i've taken on is the albany run/walk club. it's a running group that trains for a half or full marathon using the jeff galloway program. read more here: the last two meetings with arw i ran with a pace group that does 30 seconds of walking and 30 seconds of running. the first week i struggled, but last week i did fine. we did a one mile warm-up, then did our "magic mile." the magic mile is when you individually run a mile as quickly as you can, at about 80% of your maximum effort. i finished the mile is 13 min 14 seconds... pretty slow, but i am proud of it! after the magic mile, we ran/walked another mile for a cool-down. this week we will run 4 miles. the goal is to run the snicker half-marathon in march, but i haven't decided if i'm brave enough for that yet.  last saturday after running, my mom and i went down to thomasville to a real running store where they did an assessment of my feet and running style and fit me in some shoes that should help. i'm doing my first solo run in them this afternoon. you're supposed to run twice during the week before running with the group on saturday. i want to make my runs in the morning, but they'd have to be at like 5:00 AM and that's a hard pill to swallow. i may try it tomorrow though. the afternoons in south ga are just too hot for running, most of the time.

i look forward to updating you more soon about my performances in nunsense and running with ARW!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I am soooo proud of you for both these things. I so very much want to audition for a show here or something. I need some music or theater back in my life!!! I'm impressed with your ability to take on the schedule. That's what scares me. AND YOU'RE RUNNING! yippy skippy i am so super duper impressed with you! I remember when you thought Boston was all hills and I didn't notice. You never thought you'd run then, and NOW look at you!!!! You're doing great. Those times are not bad at ALL for new runners. And i hear you on the 5 a.m. to run thing- It's so hot outside....and it's even hotter where you are! I haven't run much this summer, but September is arriving so soon, and that's a wonderful run season! You're going to LOVE running in the fall. It's so nice and cool!
