Saturday, August 21, 2010

a change.

so you may have noticed that i've made a few changes to the blog. i've changed the purpose of this blog from updating on mine and cynthia's resolutions to just randomness about my life! i used to be such a good blogger on xanga. and on some other site before that.

since this blog is now about my life- let me update you on what's going on:
  1. i've been dating john since january and things are going super well! i really really like him. i'm used to being in relationships where we fight and i pout a lot. dating john is not like that. i've never gone and slept on the couch while dating him :) he met my family a couple weeks ago and that went well, except i'm not sure how he felt about davis and harper. he's not used to being around kids. i'm not sure he really thought of them as PEOPLE.. if that makes sense. at the beginning of our relationship i was lucky to see him once a week and now i see him many times a week and we talk everyday. football/marching band season starts next week though, so our time on the weekends will be slightly more limited. there will be away game nights when he will be gone and i will have to find other things to do and other people to be with unless i want to stay home alone.
  2. my social life, other than john, has not really improved as I want it to. it's hard.
  3. work is good, but i don't always feel my opinions as a musician are respected.
  4. mom says if i clean my whole house she will come over and help me make it look cuter. it's hard to have a clean house when you have a cat that pukes a lot. plus when i moved in there was a weird "house smell" that never went away and only got worse when andy started peeing on the carpet. so overall, owning a house is not all i hoped it would be. i had visions of such a beautiful house and i can't seem to make it happen. i'm trying though and i want to get there. i'm gonna start making a board of pictures of houses that i like and maybe that will help inspire me to fix up my own house. let me tell you, my house is nothing like the ones you see on hoarders or anything. i just wish it was cute!
  5. my sister moved to boone, nc to be closer to her boyfriend, who is also named john. we have never met him. they're very into the outdoors. they scuba dive and go sailing. i'm sad she moved even farther away from us and i'll see her even less often. when i went to houston i had to drive on the freeway, so now that i'm a master driver, maybe i can drive up to visit her. my mom has lost over 30 lbs. my dad keeps telling me he's gonna die in the next 10 years. davis is officially spoiled and harper has a teenager attitude at age 3. my brother is still single and crazy. my grandmother is just happy to have finally met john after asking for a year. --- that's my family
well gang, i guess that's the update for today. i will be giving you more randomness to enjoy as the weeks go by.

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