Tuesday, September 28, 2010

a list. of 8 things.

i'm not even sure what i'm here to write about today. i just want to keep this blog updated better than I did the last time. i used to be such a faithful blogger! maybe i'll make a list for you...

  1. i am hormonal and crazy this week. i'm ready for it to end.
  2. i wish john could get better quicker. my mom says i have no room to complain.
  3. i am so poor. and this month my paycheck starts getting cut for the 10 furlough days my county is giving us. i've never had to be such a penny pincher. last week i ate every piece of bread i had, even the hard ones at the end. usually i would just throw it away and get a new soft loaf. i also stopped buying organic milk. and i'm not even trying to buy healthy food because i might not eat it before it goes bad. so i'm only buying the things i know i'll eat.
  4. elton's birthday is tomorrow. that's john's dog. he'll be six. i got him a present.
  5. i started using my curling iron again recently. i had gone totally straightener, but i decided to try something new. it didn't go as hoped, but still okay.
  6. i'm realizing i know so little about john's past relationships and wondering if that's a good or bad thing. i can be a very jealous girl. the one time he said something about an ex-girlfriend in a story, i felt like someone punched me in the stomach.
  7. on monday nights i go to yoga, then to the store, then get dinner to-go from moe's. i like my routine. john likes routines too. currently our routine is to hangout on thursday nights watching project runway (we're pulling for mondo!), see each other after the game on fridays, have a date saturday night, and watch tv (now desperate housewives) on sunday nights. it's a vast difference from when i only saw him once a week.
  8. i'm trying to work on how i might react to a change in this routine. like, if john decided he felt too tired to hang out on a thurs or saturday night. i would be so disappointed and my initial reaction would be to lay on the couch for long periods of time. that shouldn't be how it is though. i should just say okay and do something else, something else i enjoy. i don't think i'm there yet, but that's the goal.
that's all for now.


  1. i really like ur last comment about thinking ahead bout how you would react. because it might happen if he feels bad or something. so remember, it's not a reflection of YOU. it doesnt mean he doesn't like you! :). So on those nights, just enjoy extra time to not have to look cute or use a straightener or curling iron. watch ur show by yourself and then email him all ur thoughts about it :) so he'll have something fun to wake up to the next day :). good job thinking ahead.

  2. p.s. i'm also poor too. don't get credit cards. they are the enemy. i can't pay my whole bill this month for the first time, so i have to wait and pay the rest next month and try not to use it this coming month. :(

    i also just bought a new jacket, boots, and bag on my macys card. my thought?? maybe someone will give me money for my bday and i can pay for it.

    i....SUCK. since then, im anxious at nights and feeling guilty.
