Wednesday, October 6, 2010

october musings.

i've been really into talk radio and podcasts lately. my favorite podcast right now is called "tranquility du jour." i find it really inspiring, but it can sometimes get a little too weirdo for me. most of the time i really like it. i've been going back and listening to all the back episodes. i've been inspired by a lot of the episodes, and my next goal is to put some of that inspiration into practice. i have a break from work for the next two days, so i'm hoping to get my office/craft room in working order so i can get the creativity juices flowing. one thing i've always liked doing that they talk about on the blog is cutting pictures/phrases/inspirations from magazines. on the podcast they talk about using them for visual journals, which i'm hoping to start soon. i always thought i was a weirdo for cutting things out and pasting them on boxes... but comes to find out other people do stuff like that too. megin and kendall were really confused one night when i got mad that kendall colored on one of my boxes that i had decorated. turns out i can justify the box being important to me. other people feel the same way as me. who knew?

a lot of the discussion on the podcast is about mindfulness and being present in life- taking time to notice and appreciate the small things and not just sleepwalking through each day. that's something my therapist and i talked about last time, so it's fitting that i found this podcast this month.

there is a lot going on in the next month that i'm excited about. this weekend john and i are getting a bunch of friends together to go out, which is something we haven't done in awhile. i love getting cute and going out. sometimes one of the best parts of a "date" is getting ready! oh, and the kissing. then next week we're going to an event at the zoo called "walk on the wild side." local restaurants cater and there is live music. it's a fundraiser for the zoo. then next saturday we're going to a friend's 30th birthday party. it's 80s themed, which is sooo not my favorite. the 80s is my least favorite decade, despite the fact that i was born in the 80s. i am going to feel so ugly dressed up in 80s clothes all night. i'm currently bidding on some hot pink leg warmers on ebay for $2. i don't know HOW i will make my hair into big 80s hair. my hair is the opposite of big. sometime later this month john and i will be carving pumpkins with my family! we went to the pumpkin patch this weekend and picked out our pumpkins. john had boiled peanuts for the first time and liked them! i'm dressing as a leopard for halloween because i found ears, a tail, and a bowtie in leopard print at target for $5. anyway, october should be a fun month.


  1. i want to be a leopard! such a good idea. i thought of an elephant, but it would be too much work. i dont know why elephant came to mind. ha. franklin wants to be a horse. lots of animal ideas i see. :)

    i dont remember this box/kendall coloring episode you speak of.

    i can't believe you tell blogspot about kissing.

  2. i was an elephant once when i was little. my mom can make you a costume :)

  3. the only thing i said about kissing was in a old post where i said the best things about a date were getting ready and kissing :)
