Friday, October 29, 2010

halloween fun.

i'm proud to say that i did everything on my list from yesterday. it was a total veg out night. john had a football game last night, but i'm glad i stayed home instead of going to the game. sometimes i have good intentions on the weekend of doing things like painting my nails and reading and then i never do them. i'm glad i committed to it and got it done. no i didn't do anything of the not-fun things i need to do like clean the litter box, but i thoroughly enjoyed relaxing.

after school i've got to go find a skeleton to hang on john's front door. he asked me to get one because we're planning to stay home tomorrow night and pass out candy to the kiddos. then after my parents and brother get off work, we're going to the fair! john refuses to go :( boooooo! i'm excited about having my footlong hotdog and riding rides with davis and harper. after the fair, i'm going to john's house... so i get the best of both worlds tonight- family and john.

tomorrow is davis and harper's halloween party at my parents' house. i'm wearing leopard ears and tail with an all black outfit and leopard print shoes. so i'll only be semi-costumed. harper is going as hannah montana and davis is boba fet? someone from star wars. i just know he has a jet pack. john is coming and bringing elton, possibly dressed as a cowboy.. the dog, not john. after the party is the GA/FL game and i guess john and i need to carve our pumpkins. we're going to watch a scary movie, but i hope it's not paranormal activity!

this weekend should be REALLY fun! i hope john is feeling okay all weekend. it would be a bummer if he felt bad and we didn't get to do everything.

today at school we're having a fall dance for all the kiddos so i'm not teaching. i'll be in the gym selling candy all day. gotta go do that now...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

rainy day plans.

in about an hour it will be time to go home from school. it's raining today. and i have no schedule and no plans for the evening. how amazing does that sound? here is the run-down of what i'd like to do tonight:
  • nap
  • paint my nails
  • read
  • turn on my Halloween lights
  • burn my pumpkin candle
  • write a note to a friend
  • watch the project runway finale (without J..boohoo!)
  • cuddle with my cats

Saturday, October 23, 2010

saturday randomness.

happy saturday, blog friends. i'm sorry to say that i'm not feeling too well this beautiful day. i woke up with lots of tension and a big fat headache. i've taken loads of medicine and hopefully it will start feeling better. in an hour i'm meeting with a couple friends to practice for a wedding. a friend from high school/church is singing at another friend's wedding in november and i'm playing piano (keyboard actually). i'm most excited about the wedding because my high school best friend, jeremy, will be there and i haven't seen him in 6 or 7 years. there are many other things i would like to do this weekend, including:
  1. upload tons of photos and order some
  2. mail cards to friends and sister!
  3. read glamour magazine
  4. brainstorm on how to save money for christmas gifts
  5. go to the public library
  6. read part of the new book that came yesterday!
  7. paint my nails
  8. buy candy and treats for school and church this week
i'm not sure how much of that will get done! tonight i'm going out with john. or maybe staying in with john. we don't have a plan yet... just know that this is date night. i already know what i'm going to wear- my jean skirt and tall slouchy brown boots with some sort of shirt. i have one in mind, but i'll have to try it on with the skirt before i make my final selection.

i have a confession: i'm really glad that "say yes to the dress: big bliss" is over. i didn't enjoy the plus-size wedding dress shopping. i mean, it was kind of sad sometimes! i'm not sure what the point of that was... to encourage people to lose weight? to say fat is beautiful? i really prefer to watch thin, beautiful women buy wedding dresses. i'm sorry if that's rude. next week "what not to wear" comes back! maybe megin and i can watch and chat our comments to each other. good times.

how did i get so poor? it's really frustrating. i've stopped using credit cards and i'm working on paying them off. i don't have much debt on them, but i'd rather have none! you can't really save money if you have debt. i'm thinking of getting rid of cable. hopefully my new insurance plan will make my pharmacy payments go down. i spend at least $250 on medicine every month. john never pays for his prescriptions! i'm getting his plan. i know it's not right to long for marriage because of the stability it provides... but i can't help but think that! if i was married and lost my job, i wouldn't have to worry nearly as much about losing my health insurance and all. at the end of this year i will be fully certified as a teacher, and get a pretty substantial pay raise. but i do have to make it to may before that.

Friday, October 22, 2010

friday fill-ins... for real

1. One of my strongest beliefs is that all things work together for good. There's always a lesson to be learned or something to be gained... but you may not discover it until farther down the road.

2. My desire for a diet coke right now is huge!

3. The sky is cloudy with a threat of rain and wind and cold, so I curl up on the couch with a blanket and my cats and take a nap.

4. Cuddling is comforting to me.

5. I always thought I'd be having babies by now.

6. I turned into a werewolf and then I went outside to look at the full moon.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing by myself and reading a new book that should be delivered today, tomorrow my plans include practicing for a wedding and having a date with John and Sunday, I want to have a good performance by my Angel Choir at church!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

friday fill-ins

as i was perusing the blog world today, i found a blog called "Friday Fill-Ins". so even though it's not friday, i decided to go for it.

1. Wow, it's only 2:21, which means i still have to sit here at work for awhile.

2. I long for someone to call me beautiful.

3. My favorite way to start a day is watching the Today Show for as long as I want.

4. I heard my cat Andy knocking on the front door and he walked in the door holding a pumpkin.

5. I look out my window and see a patio where teachers go to smoke.

6. Love is what I've been thinking about lately.

7. And as for the weekend (not really), tonight I'm looking forward to going to John's house to watch project runway and cuddle , tomorrow my plans include working, reading, napping, and eating and Sunday, I want to feel rested and ready for Monday!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


we're half-way through the week, so i feel obligated to post again. why did i find blogging so much easier in college? maybe i had more exciting things to write about. instead this was my day yesterday:
  • 7:15 arrive at work
  • 7:25 chorus begins
  • 8:30 start teaching classes
  • 3:45 leave work
  • 4:00 play piano and discipline children @ terrific tuesday
  • 5:40 go home
  • 5:45 take out trash, put away clean dishes and fill with dirty ones, clean both litter boxes, clean up bee's throw up
  • 7:00 fall asleep on couch
  • 7:50 go to parents' house to get a check and pick up laundry
  • 8:30 eat pizza
  • 9:15 put away clothes and text john
  • 9:45 talk to john on fbook
  • 11:00 turn off tv, listen to podcasts, go to sleep
busy but boring day. after work today i'm planning to nap until time to go to church. i wish i was going to see john tonight, but i have to wait until tomorrow. i have no plans for the weekend except that john and i will do something on saturday night. is my life boring? what should i be doing to add more excitement?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

morgan is like totally 30.

happy sunday! i hope you enjoy this picture of john and i dressed up in our 80s gear for morgan's 30th birthday. it was a fun party. she had fun gifts like slap bracelets, koosies, and sunglasses. the top of her cake was a rubic cube and the bottom layer had pacman going around the bottom. it was awesome! i actually enjoyed being dressed up more than i thought i would. i was really nervous going into it, because i don't like to stick out and have people looking at me. unless, they're looking at me because i'm the hottest girl there. my boyfriend thought i looked great though, so that's all that matters. and he looked awesome. i bought him that van halen shirt and the bandanas, btw. i can't take credit for the mullet, however.

right now i am loving:
  • pumpkin scented candles
  • new glamour magazine
  • halloween lights in my windows
  • neon pink fingernails
  • watching my finances better
  • tall brown boots
  • pictures with my bf

Friday, October 15, 2010

my pretty pennies

i found a new blog i like called "my pretty pennies." i stole this activity from her that she does at the end of every week.

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on groceries- almost $63, but at least I'll have food in the house now.

2. Today I feel nervous towards money. I feel like I'm doing a good job sticking to my budget, but I'm still worried that I'll end up in the hole.

3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free/inexpensive thing I did last week that made me happy was listening to podcasts at tranquility du jour.

4. I will consider this week a success if I do my laundry!

5. If I could could quit my job for a month and travel throughout one country, I would choose Japan! I have friends there :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

october musings.

i've been really into talk radio and podcasts lately. my favorite podcast right now is called "tranquility du jour." i find it really inspiring, but it can sometimes get a little too weirdo for me. most of the time i really like it. i've been going back and listening to all the back episodes. i've been inspired by a lot of the episodes, and my next goal is to put some of that inspiration into practice. i have a break from work for the next two days, so i'm hoping to get my office/craft room in working order so i can get the creativity juices flowing. one thing i've always liked doing that they talk about on the blog is cutting pictures/phrases/inspirations from magazines. on the podcast they talk about using them for visual journals, which i'm hoping to start soon. i always thought i was a weirdo for cutting things out and pasting them on boxes... but comes to find out other people do stuff like that too. megin and kendall were really confused one night when i got mad that kendall colored on one of my boxes that i had decorated. turns out i can justify the box being important to me. other people feel the same way as me. who knew?

a lot of the discussion on the podcast is about mindfulness and being present in life- taking time to notice and appreciate the small things and not just sleepwalking through each day. that's something my therapist and i talked about last time, so it's fitting that i found this podcast this month.

there is a lot going on in the next month that i'm excited about. this weekend john and i are getting a bunch of friends together to go out, which is something we haven't done in awhile. i love getting cute and going out. sometimes one of the best parts of a "date" is getting ready! oh, and the kissing. then next week we're going to an event at the zoo called "walk on the wild side." local restaurants cater and there is live music. it's a fundraiser for the zoo. then next saturday we're going to a friend's 30th birthday party. it's 80s themed, which is sooo not my favorite. the 80s is my least favorite decade, despite the fact that i was born in the 80s. i am going to feel so ugly dressed up in 80s clothes all night. i'm currently bidding on some hot pink leg warmers on ebay for $2. i don't know HOW i will make my hair into big 80s hair. my hair is the opposite of big. sometime later this month john and i will be carving pumpkins with my family! we went to the pumpkin patch this weekend and picked out our pumpkins. john had boiled peanuts for the first time and liked them! i'm dressing as a leopard for halloween because i found ears, a tail, and a bowtie in leopard print at target for $5. anyway, october should be a fun month.