Wednesday, October 20, 2010


we're half-way through the week, so i feel obligated to post again. why did i find blogging so much easier in college? maybe i had more exciting things to write about. instead this was my day yesterday:
  • 7:15 arrive at work
  • 7:25 chorus begins
  • 8:30 start teaching classes
  • 3:45 leave work
  • 4:00 play piano and discipline children @ terrific tuesday
  • 5:40 go home
  • 5:45 take out trash, put away clean dishes and fill with dirty ones, clean both litter boxes, clean up bee's throw up
  • 7:00 fall asleep on couch
  • 7:50 go to parents' house to get a check and pick up laundry
  • 8:30 eat pizza
  • 9:15 put away clothes and text john
  • 9:45 talk to john on fbook
  • 11:00 turn off tv, listen to podcasts, go to sleep
busy but boring day. after work today i'm planning to nap until time to go to church. i wish i was going to see john tonight, but i have to wait until tomorrow. i have no plans for the weekend except that john and i will do something on saturday night. is my life boring? what should i be doing to add more excitement?

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